I always thought that I was not much of a doubter. I often
wondered why. Others seem to have so many questions about God and their faith.
Sometimes I tried to tell myself that it was because I taken enough of a look
at all the other religions and systems of belief to know that nothing matched
what I held, namely what is commonly known as Christianity.
Then I heard a sermon from our pastor that made me realize
that I have perhaps been doubting all along. Indeed, my doubts may be one of
the worst kinds if that is what I'm doing.
For most of my life I have felt that I was not doing enough
as a Christian. In particular, I felt that I was not doing enough to share my
faith and bring others to Christ. I questioned why I felt like this. On one
hand, I thought it reflected my upbringing as the son of what some would call
fundamentalist Christian parents. I had read and heard many times that our main
task was to win souls for Jesus. I had also absorbed the message that if we did
not do this, perhaps we might not be accepted when we arrived at the pearly
Indeed, there were times when I looked around me and saw how
so few people seem to share this opinion. Or perhaps they were just not
expressing it, as I probably was not. We don't tend to broadcast what we
perceive as our shortcomings. I wondered how they could not have this feeling
and sometimes wished I were like them. On the other hand, I used to, perhaps
self-righteously, question the depth of their commitment.
When I was younger, I had been led to believe that the
"fruits of the spirit" were those whom we had brought to salvation.
When I got older, I was taught that these were characteristics that believers
developed as a result of the indwelling Holy Spirit. This was comforting, but I
still could not get away from this other feeling of GUILT. So, all along, I
have been struggling with doubt, but labeling it guilt.
At the same time, I never felt that I really felt that
guilty. I did not feel a burden.
To be sure, there were times when I tried to reassure myself
with the knowledge that we cannot save ourselves to matter what we do. If we
have accepted the salvation offered by God, we are saved. I had accepted that.
I believed that I had contentment, peace, joy and strength because of that and
subsequent work of the Holy Spirit in me.
The sermon that our pastor, Tim Kuepfer, preached on May 12,
2013, helped me see this in somewhat of a new light. He put things in the large
perspective of creation to eternity. The message was based on Hebrews 4:1-13. He
reminded us that God created everything good and then took time to rest and
enjoy that. He then told us that if we are believers, we should also be in this
"rest." We should be experiencing it here and now in the present
world, and not just in the future world of eternity.
Intellectually, this is reassuring. Maybe it is only in my
emotions that I need to say with one of our Lord's listeners, "Lord help
my unbelief." But I still ask myself, what about my responsibility to
"the lost" as I had been taught from such a young age.