Thursday, 11 August 2011

Chapter 5 – Monday – The Ten Commandments Numbers 1 & 2 - 2008 7 14

Chapter 5 – Monday – The Ten Commandments Numbers 1 & 2 - 2008 7 14

So, from the introduction to the topic, based on the Bible book Exodus 20. This begins with what we know as the Ten Commandments. These ten statements are the foundation, the basis, of the laws of Western civilization. Many civilizations and nations throughout history have had similar laws, which shows the universal application of their sayings.
The first commandment is based on ch. 20 vs. 1 – 3 which say: "God spoke all these words saying, 'I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage (slavery). You shall have no other gods before me'."
If we believe that God is our Lord, have we gotten rid of the 'other gods'? What might they be?
In the past, and in some countries today, they might be statues that people worship because they think they are gods or represent them. However, most of us do not do that.
For most of us, anything that we pay too much attention to could be a god because it takes away our attention from The God. Things we want too much. Things we are too proud about. Things we spend too much money on. Things that take too much of our time. Anything that comes between 'God' and us could be a 'god'.
Is it our house? Our car? Our body? Our brains (intelligence)? Our clothes? Our jewelry? Something we collect? If we are honest with God and ourselves, we will know what our gods are. The wonderful thing is, if we ask His help, God can help us get rid of our 'gods'.  Let's ask Him to help us with that.

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