Tuesday, 25 February 2014

God makes us lie down?

Today was one of those not infrequent times when, reading the scriptures, something new comes at you. Just one of the reasons we refer to The Bible as The Living Word. 

I have been away and it slipped my mind that my current Rejoice devotional was running out this weekend. Consequently, Sunday, on returning to the congregation I attend for worship, I did not check for a new copy to pick up [our congregation subscribes to a certain number for members to help themselves to]. 

So, today I turned to my backup devotional - Our Daily Bread - and there it was: a new take on Psalm 23. Or, at least, one that just resonated especially for me today.

Perhaps it did so because we have a dear friend who is now laid up in hospital for the second time in as many months for a fairly severe disease that seemed to come out of nowhere. The thought did occur to me, and I have shared it with the friend, that perhaps God just knew she needed a rest. She is one of those generous persons who gives of herself to all she can - family, church and friends. She has not lacked for stress in those areas. Her 'disease' is of the immune system. Sometimes, under stress, our body turns on itself. It is giving us a message.

I am no Hebrew scholar, so I don't know the real meaning of the word translated 'make in Psalm 23:1. However, as was pointed out in the devotional, God did ordain ret for us as part of His creation plan. 

We today seem to find less time for rest than ever in our history a a human race. Our rampant individualism and materialism are just some aspects of this. People now gather in malls instead of churches for fellowship and just to be with other people. Indeed, as I have pointed out to others, the edifices our shopping centres are now housed in often look like churches of yore. Just look at the grand entrances, the massive arched windows, the steeple-like structures over the entrances or on the corners.

Indeed, if we cannot heed the fourth commandment, or God's example of Sabbath rest as described on day 7 of the Genesis creation account, sometimes He may need to make us rest. It really is a sign that he cares for us. He is our Father and he knows best. 

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