Thursday, 19 April 2018

Mary – Ch. 5 – Night Visit Two


Joseph was exhausted but in his trouble, he only slept fitfully. He was in that tiring state of being half awake and half asleep when all at once he felt a strange and comforting warmth about him. When he became aware of it he also noticed it was becoming increasingly brighter. Was he dreaming? But no, it was as if he felt something, a presence in the room. He was overcome with terror. What was happening? He bolted up from his mat! The room was filling with blinding light! Suddenly he saw it – the radiant figure of a young man at the foot of his mat. He was speechless but then the figure spoke:

“Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son and you will name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” 

Joseph gasped. This stranger was speaking to everything that had occupied his mind these last dreadful hours. Who was this and how did this figure know?  He scarcely had time to begin to gather his thoughts, realizing he had had all kinds of questions for this person. Indeed, this figure seemed to be saying the same things Mary had said such a night visitor had said to her. But before he could summon the courage to open his mouth, the visitor was gone. The light faded and the room felt cold and dark again.

Joseph sat in stunned silence. Then, as the force of what had just happened began to dissipate, he started to go over what he had just heard. ‘Joseph, son of David’ - Yes, he was a descendant of Israel’s great king. But he had never been greeted that way before. What did this mean? Yet, as he went through the message he had just been given, Joseph felt a strange sense of comfort and strength. This person - and it must have been an angel like Mary had seen, with that heat and light, and those words – knew all about his dilemma, his fears. And he had told him not to be afraid, but to take Mary as his wife. Suddenly, Joseph felt the beginnings of hope return. This, this angel, had also told him that Mary’s child was from the Holy Spirit, not from himself, not from any other man. That should have been a relief, and it was, but it was all still a bit much to really sink in as to what this was all about. Mary had said her night visitor had also said she would have a son that should be named Jesus. But it seemed her visitor had talked about him being a king. This messenger had talked about this child saving his people from their sins. What did that mean? Only Jehovah could do that. 

So, now what? Should he waken his parents and tell them what had happened or wait till morning? He certainly had a lot to talk about with them and with Mary and her family. Anyway, he had no idea what time of night it was. Everything was very dark so he guessed it was not yet anywhere near morning. But could he sleep till then?

Joseph lay back on his mat and breathed a prayer, asking The Highest One for guidance and then also thanking him for sending this messenger to reinforce what Mary had said and give him some direction. Ultimately, he did fall asleep again. This time he was more tired but also beginning to feel a little more at ease so it was a much better sleep than how the night had begun. 

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