After the incident in Nazareth, Jesus made his home in Capernaum for the most part. After all, this was near where many of his new friends were from. He got more of a welcome in this area than in his hometown. Mary had difficulty getting used to Jesus not being around though. He had been such a pillar of support for her for so many years since his father’s death. All she could do was keep her ears open for reports that filtered back from the area around the Sea of Galilee, and these were becoming more astonishing all the time.
Mary received stories of Jesus performing miraculous healings and driving demons out of possessed individuals. He had gone to Jerusalem to the Passover and run into some challenges there. Apparently, he had gotten angry at what he saw going on at the temple and upset some of the leaders when he tried to stop the buying and selling that went on with its money exchanging in the temple courts. Mary appreciated his zeal for his heavenly father but she grew concerned when she heard that what he was doing was raising the ire of some of the leaders. She believed that Jesus had the right idea with all the good he was doing for people. She even heard about some of his wonderful messages. But Mary knew enough about the Sanhedrin, the council that basically ran things in Jerusalem, and the High Priest’s family which ran the Sanhedrin, to be concerned. Then, there was also Herod and his supporters, and behind them all, the Romans.
Mary was unsure how to handle her growing unease. She really was not sure where to turn. Ever since the incident with Jesus in the local synagogue, she had been wary of her neighbours. Finally, she disclosed her fears to her sons James and Joseph. They did not have the wisdom and maturity Jesus had displayed at their age but they were growing up and Jesus had been a good influence on them.
James response had been that they should simply go and see Jesus and talk to him about what he was doing. Having no better ideas than a face-to-face encounter, Mary accepted James’ proposal. The family made the necessary preparations and began the trek to Capernaum.
When Mary and her children arrived at Capernaum, they went to Simon’s home. He was the one they knew best and Mary also knew Jesus spent time here. When they arrived, Simon’s family filled them in on the latest. To her dismay, Mary heard that Jesus was getting so besieged by crowds looking for help he wasn’t taking time to eat properly (John 3:20).
James, being the bolder and sometimes abrupt of her children simply responded to this news by saying they had to confront Jesus and help him rein things in. “He’s out of his mind,” was James’ opinion (John 3:21). Mary had some misgivings about that. After all, she knew Jesus firmly believed he was doing what he ought to do. He might be overdoing it, but it wasn’t that bad.
Nevertheless, they went to the home where they were told Jesus was staying. Sure enough, the crowds so thronged the doorway as people tried to get in for help and her what Jesus was saying, it was practically impossible for them to push their way through. They asked those in front of them to simply pass on the message to Jesus that they were outside and wanted to see him.
The message was passed along. Those sitting next to Jesus told him, “Look, your mother and your brothers are outside looking for you.” 3:33He answered them and said, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” 3:34And looking at those who were sitting around him in a circle, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! 3:35For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother (Mark 3:32-35).”
When this response was transmitted back to Jesus’ waiting family, James was of the opinion they should force their way in and talk sense into Jesus and get him to come home with them. However, Mary knew her son best. She heard in the response she received that she and her family were best not to interfere further or they might indeed be guilty of keeping Jesus from doing god’s will. She pulled James by the arm and said, “Come, let’s go home.”
“But mother,” James replied, “What Jesus is doing is not good for him.”
Mary looked James squarely in the eye and said,” I think he does know what he is doing. He might not understand fully yet what purpose he is carrying out, but I don’t think we can or should try any harder to stop him. You know you brother believes strongly that he has a very unique mission to complete. I think the best we can do is go home and pray for him, that he will receive the wisdom he needs to do the will of The Highest and that Jahweh will look after him.”
Mary felt a sadness and heaviness in her heart even as she tried to present this idea strongly to her children, perhaps trying to convince herself as well as them by putting this into audible speech. Deep inside though, she knew Jesus was doing what he felt called to do. She turned and led her boys back home to Nazareth.
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