Wednesday, 25 May 2022

God Bless' the Child, That's Got His Own

“Them that's got, shall get, Them that's not, shall lose, So the Bible said, and it still is news… Yes the strong seem to get more, While the weak ones fade… God bless' the child, That's got his own…”

Some of you will remember these lyrics from Blood, Sweat & Tears in the late ‘60s. Others might know that they actually go back to American Blues Singer Billie Holliday. Are the ideas expressed fatalistic? Reflecting the reality of too many? Are they what some aspire too - get your own, and that means God blessed you?

All these viewpoints reflect situations for many in our world. The last one is troubling though. This was an understanding in Judaism, held by Jesus’ followers 2000 years ago. He tried to correct it then. Seems too many Christians have skipped over that part. Too many preachers still preach this ‘prosperity gospel, ’ often preying most on those who can least afford to give. The preachers ‘get’ all right, their listeners not so much.

So what do we understand when we read of Jesus saying, “Pay attention to what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and more will be given to you. For to those who have, more will be given; and from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away (Mark’s version of the Gospel, chapter 4 verses 24b - 25).” I dare say the ideas I have been describing are so ingrained in us that when we read that, we say, as the song does, ‘Yeah, that’s life, we see it happen. The Bible even confirms that’s reality.’ 

Really? You think Jesus is talking about things material and money? He has been teaching this disciples about how to listen, to evaluate, to be open to new understandings. Jesus has resorted to telling the truths he wishes them to hear in parables, so only those who really want to understand will. He is talking about his teachings, about the wisdom contained in them, about the understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven he is introducing on earth. He is talking about ideas that come form God. 

What Jesus is really saying here is that if you pay more attention, dig deeper, you will learn more. You will be given more wisdom and understanding.  If you have gained some of what he’s saying, you will be prepared to gain more. You will grow spiritually, in faith. That will be a blessing.

On the other hand, as with the seed, in the parable just told before these sayings, that fell on rocky ground and quickly sprang up from the heat, but died just as rapidly because there was no depth of soil, if you have not really grasped what Jesus teaches, If you didn’t put effort into studying the Word to grow, you will lose what you have. In effect, it will be taken away, not by God, but by the spiritual powers that rule the world. There is both encouragement, comfort, blessing and warning in these words, depending on what you have done with what you received to being with. God does his part but you have to do yours.

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