Mary woke to see sunlight streaming in through the windows. Such a bright morning would usually give her energy and hope for a new day. If she were at home she would get up and begin to cheerfully go about her daily tasks. However, almost immediately, any such thoughts were banished by the memories of the last two days that came flooding back.
But life had to go on. She had her parents here. She had Joseph’s family up in Nazareth. Slowly, she rose and began to get ready for the day. She would have to think about returning to Nazareth.
At breakfast, now that there was more distance between the three of them and the events of The Day Preparation, Mary and her parents slowly began to sift through what had happened. Of course, the big question, especially on Mary’s mind, was ‘What now?’ She still could not accept that it was all over. So much hope had been awakened. had been promised. So much had been done by Jesus in the last few years.
They were considering all these thoughts when who should again appear at the door but Jesus’ disciple John. Mary could see there was something of great import on his mind. Sure enough, he could hardly wait to go through the niceties of normal greetings before he hurried forward and taking her by the arms, looked into her face, “Mother Mary, the tomb is empty! Peter and I saw it for ourselves. You remember how Mary Magdalene and some of the other women had prepared spices and oils and were going to go to the tomb and embalm Jesus? Well, they of course had been wondering how they would roll the stone away we saw the tomb being sealed with when they got there so they could get at Jesus’ body. Indeed, the Jewish leaders had been so afraid something would happen, they had posted guards at the tomb yesterday evening. But they were no longer there when the women arrived, and the stone was rolled aside! They did not know what to make of that but when they came nearer Mary from Magdala said two angels appeared. They had been terrified but the messengers had told them not to be afraid. They had told the women Jesus had risen, as he had said he would ‘Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee,Luke 24:7that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again.”24:8Then the women remembered his words. The angel invited them to look inside and see that the tomb was indeed empty. Then he told them to go quickly and tell us Jesus was going to Galilee and we would see him there!”
Mary’s mind was spinning. Was it really true? Was Jesus alive again? Mary could hardly believe her hears. Had Jesus really come back from the grave as he had said he would? It had seemed too impossible when he had first begun such talk. But then, there had been Lazarus. But John was not finished with his story.
“The women came and told us. We could not believe it at first. But then Mary from Magdala came running with an even more startling report. She had stayed behind when the other women had come running. She said she saw Jesus in the garden. He called her by name! And he also told her to tell us to go and meet him in Galilee!”
“Her story seemed unbelievable too so Peter and I ran to the tomb and saw it was just as they had said. We saw the tomb, empty except for the clothes Joseph of Arimathea and his servants had wrapped the body in. We still wondered what had all happened. But it does seem true. Jesus’ body is not in the tomb. We have to make plans now to return to Galilee. After all, that is our home. In fact, Peter and some of us had already talked about how we had to go back and get to work. We have to fish to earn our living. Why don’t you come with us? It will be better for you than travelling otherwise. You cannot go alone.”
Mary hardly knew how to respond to all of this. Was Jesus really alive? She wanted so much for that to be true but his death had seemed so real. Still, as John said, and she had also begun to think about, they had to keep on living and face reality.
“You are very kind, John,” Mary said, “Let me think of your offer. We will let you know what I will do. I will have to do some shopping here before I return. I would like to say goodbye to my Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Zechariah too. They will want to know what you have told me too.”
Mary’s heart still ached for her dear Uncle and Aunt. They had been so happy when the long-awaited John had been promised and been born. But now he too had been killed by the king. All the hopes for him had also seemed to be unfulfilled.
With that, John bade them all farewell and left.
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