Sunday, 30 September 2018

The Story of Mary IV: Death and Beyond - Chapter 30 – Reunion in Galilee

Mary was glad to be home, away from those terrible scenes in Jerusalem. It seemed so peaceful in Nazareth in comparison. Now, she just hoped her son would join her again. He had told his disciples he would meet them in Galilee, but had not really said where. All she could really do was wait and hope. Well, she did pray that her son would come home to visit. She had also made John promise that when they met Jesus – if they saw him first – they would tell him his mother really wanted to see him at home. It was actually a little lonely here now, with her other children grown and gone, although they were all nearby.   

She was just stopping tidying up and looking at what she needed in terms of food and supplies to take a break for lunch when there he was – across the table like in old times. Of course, she was startled and for a brief moment a fear gripped her. But then she remembered the disciples telling her how he had been appearing to them, just like a ghost out of thin air.

“Oh, Jesus,” she cried. Jesus caught her in his arms and stroked her hair as she sobbed in his strong embrace, “I didn’t know when or where I would see you again, or even if.”

“Mother,” Jesus said comfortingly, “Where would I go first but home? I know I did not come home as often as you would have liked, but you know I had a task to do. Now, my work on earth is almost done, and I must return to our heavenly Father.”  

“You know, Jesus,” Mary said, “I still am not sure what ‘your work,’ as you say, on earth really was.”

“Mother,” said Jesus gently, “Let me explain it to you now, and I know you will see how everything that happened was planned by my heavenly Father.”

So, beginning with Genesis and The Law, working through the Psalms and The Prophets, Jesus showed how his coming had been predicted so exactly. He told here why they had to go to Egypt, to fulfil prophecy. She had often wondered about that. It had been such a disruption in their lives at the time. There had also been so much fear, running from that terrible Herod’s soldiers. Jesus explained how, as the new Moses, a giver of a new law, of love, he came from Egypt to deliver his people, just as Moses had done. 
He spoke of how God planned things versus what the Jews had erroneously come to expect of their long-awaited Messiah. He told his mother how God worked, so often just the opposite of what people expected. That was why his people had not seen who he was and had killed him. they had just not understood. Even that , as Jesus pointed out, was a fulfilment of Prophet Isaiah’s words about people seeing and hearing, but not really. Mary had certainly wondered about why Jesus had to die that way. But then Jesus told her the most wonderful story of all.

Jesus told her how he could have easily avoided that death, simply by calling on angels. After all, he was God’s Son. Mary could see that. She had seen him do enough miracles to have some idea of what that meant. However, Jesus said, he had to die as the prefect God-man to show that only in total surrender, giving even one’s life, is the way to new and eternal life. Ever since Adam and Eve, people had clung to their own abilities, trying vainly to hang on to the life they had, never totally letting go experience the fullness of the blessings His Heavenly Father wanted to give them. No one was sinless in that regard. Mary certainly grasped that. As the sinless one though, Jesus’ death, because he was also God, took away our sin, our pride, our punishment, our sentence of death for that, and made it possible for us to be reconciled to God again in a way no animal or other sacrifice could ever do. 

Mary’s eyes were indeed opened as she realized how contrary much of what she had come to expect was compared to what Jehovah had actually accomplished through her son. Remaining at home most of the time in Nazareth, she had not heard all that Jesus had said in his three short years of ministry, but Jesus put it all together for her. Jesus also told her some of what was to come in the near future and even how she could be part of that. 

When Jesus had completed his discourse, Mary took a deep breath and responded, “It is still so new, much of it, but it makes so much sense. It is beautiful, what the father has done. It is still hard to accept though, what you had to go through to accomplish this. I will never fully understand your love and commitment, your obedience. You have certainly shown us the face and the mind of the Father in a new way, which we will never forget.”

“And I know, mother,” Jesus said as he stood and moved toward her, “You will be an important part of what happens from now on. But I still have work to do here. I must go and tell my brothers what I have told you. I have to trust them – and you – to continue to carry on my work. I must return to my Father. My work on earth will be done soon. However, as I told my friends at Passover, after I have returned to my Father, we will send our Spirit to live in each one of you who believe. The Spirit will help you remember all that I have lived and taught so you can carry on your mission of being the face of the Father in the world we created for you to enjoy. The Spirit will give you power such as I showed so you can teach and preach in the same way I did, so you can heal and cast out demons as I did. You can do all this now because I, in my death and resurrection, have overcome the evil of the world. 

The Father and I have defeated Satan. You no longer need to fear him. The time is not here yet for the final punishment for the evil one, but once our mission on earth is complete, he will receive the punishment he deserves for what he has done to so spoil what we have created. You have no idea what a beautiful world it was in the beginning and will be again. Someday I will return – yes, I will come back! - to make that final conquest of evil. Then you will see me as the all-powerful King and Deliverer that everyone thought I was going to be now.  Then we will re-establish the order my Father intended when he first created everything. Indeed, it will be like a totally new earth and heaven when we are done with the renewal. It will be the best reward imaginable for all that you have had to suffer in your lives on this current earth.”

“Mother, thank you for everything you have been for me. I could not have wished for a better mother. You have no idea how much I really love you. God knew what he was doing when he chose you. I know we will miss each other dearly, but this is the way it has to be. I must return to The Father, and soon, but, as I said, I will send my Spirit to be with you all and comfort and strengthen you as you carry on what I have only begun. And, mother, remember, as I said, I will come again and this time I you will be with me – forever. It might not happen in your lifetime, but even if you die before the appointed time for my return, and only The Father knows when that will be, I will be with you once again – forever.”

Before Mary had a chance to respond to all of that, Jesus wrapped his big loving arms around his mother and held her in a tight embrace before he was gone as suddenly and mysteriously as he had appeared.

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